Questo e’ il riassunto di uno scambio di email, avvenuto in inglese, riguardo a una bevanda a base di mate, utile anche a sentir meno la fame. Uno dei due so per certo essere un famoso hacker del movimento delle licenze libere, ma niente nomi in pubblico.
Probabilmente nel futuro ci sara` un migliore riassunto in italiano, per il momento ecco i 4 punti della ricetta:
-scaldare l'acqua a una temperatura compresa fra i 70 e gli 80 gradi, o fino a quando inizia a formarsi il vapore a pelo d'acqua
-mettere il mate nell'acqua e spegnere il fuoco, o spegnere il fuoco e mettere la yerba mate nell'acqua
-coprire o meno il recipiente e lasciare il mate in infusione per circa 15 minuti
-aggiungere (consigliato), o non, un poco di acido citrico
Solitamente faccio raffreddare il preparato prima di aggiungere l'acido citrico. E' intenso il sapore del'acido citrico, provare i cristalli da soli prima di aggiungerlo.
L'acido citrico si compra in drogheria e in alcune farmacie
Nel riassunto in inglese vengono menzionate queste comode bustine di mate e questo mate fair trade organico.
Di seguito il riassunto originale in lingua originale:
I don’t love mate either, but it did worked for me, when mixing it with citric acid, as much as needed. No citric acid, I guess, works ok too.
Might be worth trying with stevia as a sweetener maybe.
I put the mate, for example one from this fairtrade vendor
I think I used this one at the time
I really find this mate in tee bag style bags to be handy
I just put the mate in the water at around 70-80 degreess metric, wait untill the water has started to make the vapor on top, then put the mate into the hot water and turn off the heating, or turn off the heating and put the mate into the hot water, and leave it covered or uncovered for like 15 minutes, if you want to preserve the vitamin C, then not sure what is the maximum temperature the vitamin C can whistand.
I filter the mate with a strainer so that I am not forced to eat tiny pieces of yerba mate if I do not feel like it.
it says
“There is not one specific temperature that destroys vitamin C as its degradation is both time and temperature controlled. Ascorbic acid is readily oxidized and the rate of oxidation is dependent upon temperature with a source of free oxygen. A good general rule for the retention of vitamins in cooked foods is to reduce the cooking time as much as is practical. Pressure cookers, although they cook at a higher temperature, retain more vitamins in the food because they exclude oxygen and provide for a shorter cook time.”
I guess if you put a ton of citric acid, that is inexpensive, at least in a drogheria in Italy, you will still get some vitamin C into your system even if drinking it hot.
When you say you “add citric acid”, what concretely do you do?
Citric acid, is usually sold in white crystals, here in Italy at least, I put some of it, like 1/2 teaspoon in about 1/2 a gallon of tea. It really depends on taste/sensitivity, people I know add way more then me.How could you tell that it was “working”?
Did it reduce your appetite and make it easier to eat less?
yes, I put it in a plastic bottle, I guess glass is better and kept it next to me while hacking and basically kept drinking it, it does has good property as a plant, and with citric acid, I personally love it.
I was drinking like liters [gallon(s)] of mate.
I’d drink water if not mate, so why not something that is at least as good as water? Definitely better then carbonated stuff.
So you let it sit covered with no heat for 15 minutes, and then it is ready?
yes, then I let it cool down and add citric acid. I make a lot of it, like one gallon at the time, sometimes more. Same for guayusa, I make a ton of it, always with citric acid added.
I’d probably not drink mate like that in front of an Argentinian. Just like I’d avoid breaking the spaghett in in half in front of an Italian before cooking them.
For a more lucid energy I recommend Ilex Guayusa
one side of the leaf have a relaxing effect, the other side has a lucid energy effect, so the heartbeat does not increase, at least when I use it, but I feel more alert, I always consume the guayusa with added citric acid.
It is recommend to add citric acid when the water has cooled down because vitamin C degrades with enough heat.